Maximizing Advertising Dollars

Marketing budgets are an essential part of a company’s delegation of funds. This budget allows the company to promote their ideas and newest features in the form of campaigns. Budgets will range between 5-7 percent of a company’s sales and is unique to each industry, however it can be agreed upon that no matter which industry a company is part of, they prefer to use their budget in the most efficient way- maximizing advertising dollars to save money but gain great results. Depending on the target market, the channels of marketing can be narrowed down but may be too expensive or competitive to use. Call tracking is a solution to lower a company’s marketing budget and to detect the location from which their campaigns were successful. With the need to maximize results being a priority in most companies, call tracking keeps costs low and efficiency high.

Call Tracking

Call tracking allows a company to track the success of their advertising campaigns by tracking the incoming phone calls, their origin and what media channel it came from. Each tracking number is unique, making it easier for the company and more specifically the marketing department to find out where to target their efforts in the next campaign. The data collected is valuable as it relates back to the success rates and gain of potential clients or increased interest. Being able to maximize advertising dollars and results while spending the least amount of money is possible through the use of call tracking. It is a billion dollar industry and has boomed among companies specializing in online marketing and advertising because of its efficiency.

Results via Pay Per Call

Results based advertising is feasible through pay per call as it leads potential clients to the business directly by having phone numbers in the ads link back to the company. The connection between the consumer and the advertiser is important and vital because this could potentially initiate a lead or sale. Pay per call saves money by only charging the company when a call that comes through is considered valid depending on the time set and customized by the client and the pay per call service. Pay per call is versatile because it consists of a phone number that can be printed on a variety of media channels such as posters, magazine articles, billboards, ad banners on the internet and on TV.

Maximizing Advertising Dollars and Marketing Budgets

Pay per call allows advertising and marketing companies to maximize their budgets by having a wide range of media outlets to advertise in and by placing a phone number in the ad. It can collect data from the origin of the call while also directing the caller right to the company’s call center. Pay per call doubles as a marketing strategy and as a data collector with statistics about the calls. This system allows you to know what you are getting for every dollar spent because you can track calls and look back at the statistics from each and every incoming call the company had. This saves time in attempting to figure out how and where consumers are getting the phone numbers from, recording valid calls and being able to pick up on how the ads are being interpreted.

To summarize

Pay per call and call tracking can help to maximize advertising dollars by providing a simple and straightforward way to get the customer in direct contact with the company as well as being able to track where the consumer located the phone number and to better target more specific niches of an audience.

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