Auto Glass Lead Source, an Addsource brand, is a leading company in the world of pay per call for the auto glass industry, and is proficient at bringing client leads to companies across the USA. Pay per call is just one of the many ways that Auto Glass Lead Source can help your company succeed in closing clients. Pay per call is extremely useful in the auto glass and towing industries because it only charges the client when they have incoming calls that bring business. Pay per call valid calls are those that have the potential to have a deal closed and typically have a call duration of above 30 seconds.
Auto Glass Lead Source Makes Your Phone Ring
Since the auto glass and towing industries have a specific audience to attract, the Addsource platform is essential in providing leads through each of these companies, Auto Glass Lead Source and Towing Lead Source. This platform includes call tracking, call recording, pay per call, a free professional website, local web searches and round the clock customer service.
The call tracking features allow companies to monitor the auto glass or towing marketing efforts. The utilization of Auto Glass Lead Source for pay per call in the auto glass industry makes it possible for the auto glass companies to keep receiving calls while maintaining independence and signing clients.