Call tracking is as simple as it sounds – a means of collecting information about incoming calls: the telephone variant of conversion statistics. Call tracking software records relevant information and organizes it for its user to access and monitor. Measuring various information such as length of call, answering time, amount of calls, destination, call source, and more – it provides the ability to analyze call quality and source quality, and consequentially – manage your advertisement channels and your business more effectively. As the call tracking trend is on the rise, I do believe that it will be utilized by pretty much every business at a later point in time. There will no longer be the question of what is call tracking.
How does it work?
A unique telephone number is provided for each advertisement channel: online banners, newspapers, billboards, flyers – now you know exactly where your calls are coming from and how it works. The system records the information going through these numbers, converting it to statistics. Through this simple yet effective process numerous possibilities are opened up to marketing managers and small business owners.
What it gives you?
With experience comes knowledge – and every manager knows: closed deals have a specific time length, different from business to business. Call tracking software allows you to turn that knowledge into power, filtering the calls into categories based on length and connectivity. Now you can not only know which advertising channel provides you with the highest bulk of calls, but which one gives you the best calls – the ones that turn into sales.
Not only this, but you can now see how many calls were dropped, how many went unanswered, access the information in real time and return to salvage the clients that would have been otherwise lost.
Knowing when the call load was heavy on your call center and many calls were missed or when there were so little calls that your call center stood idle, will let you adjust your work shifts accordingly, and make your business more profitable. Sometimes as little as opening for business half an hour early can make a big difference in the amount of sales.
There are limitless possibilities to make use of the information that now lies at the tips of your fingers with the Addsource platform features.