Pay Per Call for Directories – The Ultimate 2020 Guide
From David Dovman Founder & CEO Of Addsource If you manage a local business directory or a citation listing website of any kind, Probably, most
"Finally! Addsource has enabled us to sell our inventory with the lowest entry-point available, our clients could see exactly how powerful our ads can be!"
John B
Radio Station in Houston, TX
Get the complete picture of how your advertisers performs in your inventory.
No other call tracking platform offers granular management & automation at this scale.
Discover the exact amount of calls & leads generated to each advertiser.
We’re at Addsource know how to design a complete Pay Per Lead pricing model.
Deliver clear value & results, Become your customers favorite publisher.
By utilizing Pay Per Call and Pay Per Lead publishers can generate revenue by monetizing phone calls and online traffic, on top the methods publishers are already using. With an option to partner and distribute leads everywhere.
Track calls and messages and optimize for performance on any channel: PPC, Social, Organic traffic (SEO) and offline.
We have flexible pay-as-you-go pricing based on usage & billable actions for all business sizes. strategy implementation and CPA program creation are completely free. Learn more on our pricing page.
Addsource does not charge onboarding fees. We are focused on getting you set up for success and will provide the support and documentation you need.
You can set any rule and criteria to define if a call is billable.
Typically this is based on the duration of the phone call, in addition you can validate calls based on multiple factors factors such as the date and time the call took place, geo information of the call. Unanswered calls or repeat calls also do not typically qualify for commission.
From David Dovman Founder & CEO Of Addsource If you manage a local business directory or a citation listing website of any kind, Probably, most
Business owners who use telephone marketing to sell their products and services – this is for you!
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